Fully committed to maintaining technical expertise and client satisfaction, Beyond is growing rapidly and is able to offer various engineering services to our clients. Among them are Construction Materials Testing services, Geotechnical Engineering services, along with state-of-the-art Laboratory Testing facilities all led by our highly qualified team members and Drilling Services under the leadership of experienced and certified drillers.
Beyond strikes to deliver the projects on time, on budget and with the highest quality.
Construction Materials Testing
Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Services
Beyond’s Quality Assurance Quality Control services – Construction Materials Testing and Laboratory Testing – provide verification that your project has been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications.
Construction Materials Testing
Beyond’s construction observation and materials testing services are performed by qualified technicians following ACI, ASTM, AASHTO, TxDOT and other applicable specifications and standards, under the supervision of registered professional engineers. Our experienced CMT engineers, dedicated project managers and certified technicians provide timely and reliable observation/testing reports. Our integrated team of engineers and field technicians enables our clients to anticipate and minimize potential issues and delays while keeping a close watch on schedules and costs.
Batch Plant Inspection
Site Grading and Earthwork Compaction Observation and Testing
Subgrade Evaluation and Bearing Capacity Verification
Roadway Testing, Inspection, and Verification: Aggregate, Hot-Mix Asphalt and Concrete Paving
Shallow and Deep Foundation Construction Observation: Footings, Slabs-on-grade, Caissons, Auger Cast Piles, Driven Piles, Grade Beams and Aggregate Rammed Piers
Concrete and Reinforcing Steel Placement Observation and Testing
Inspection of Post-Tensioned Cables and Shear Walls
Firewall Penetration Observation; Fireproofing Material Testing
Concrete Floor Flatness/Levelness Testing
Construction Oversight and Testing
Consultations & Root Cause Determinations Related to Material Deficiencies
Structural Inspection and Non-Destructive Testing
Geotechnical Engineering
Experienced geotechnical engineers manage all our geotechnical projects, thus helping to reduce our clients’ risk on any projects before, during, and after construction. Beyond provides comprehensive geotechnical laboratory and field-testing services of soil and bedrock. We determine physical and mechanical properties of subsurface materials for site characterization, geotechnical design, and quality control and performance assessment purposes.
Subsurface Exploration using conventional geotechnical borings and specialized in-site testing including Cone Penetrometer (CPT)
Foundation Analyses and Design, Pavement Thickness Design, Soil Stabilization and Ground Improvements, Slop Stability and Earth Retention Design
Geotechnical Solutions for building elements including excavation support systems, underpinning and deep soil improvement such as aggregate piers and jet grouting
Pavement Evaluation and Testing including Falling Weight Deflectometer, Dynamic, Cone Penetrometer (DCP) tests and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Geotechnical Instrumentation including inclinometers, piezometers, tilt meters, etc.
Geophysical Surveys including seismic refraction, electrical resistivity, etc.
Geotechnical & Materials Laboratory
Beyond currently operates four (4) geotechnical and CMT laboratories located in Round Rock, Midland, Carrollton, TX and Carlsbad, NM, professionally equipped for testing soil, rock, concrete, hot mix asphalt along with various aggregate materials in accordance with AASHTO, ASTM, and TxDOT specifications and standards. Beyond utilizes a state-of-the-art, automated testing equipment that can reduce testing turn-around time significantly while maintaining a high level of accuracy. Beyond’s highly experienced laboratory technicians are fully trained and carry ACI/TxDOT certifications. Our Round Rock and Midland labs are accredited by AASHTO
Beyond’s in-house quality assurance program meets or exceeds AASHTO R-18, ASTM C1077, ASTM D3740 and ASTM E329 and ensures a high level of accuracy and reproducibility in our testing services. Our strong customer service orientation drives us to provide accurate and timely testing results that address our clients’ specific schedule and project needs.
Schedule of Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Services
Common Geotechnical/Materials Lab Testing Services:
Common Geotechnical/Materials Lab Testing Services
Direct Shear of Soils
CBR & Resilient Modulus
Strength of Rock Core
Permeability-Constant Head/Flexible-Wall Methods
Electrical/Thermal Resistivity (ASTM & IEEE)
Triaxial (UC, UU, CU, CD)
Atterberg Limits & Grain Size
Organic Content & Specific Gravity
pH Sulfate/Chloride Content
Cement/Lime Stabilization
Geotechnical & Environmental Drilling Services
Beyond boasts a robust drilling operation which includes licensed/experienced drillers and 5 truck/track-mounted CME/Mobile drill rigs. Beyond drill rigs are capable of Continuous Flight Auger, Mud Rotary, Hollow Stem Auger, Air/Water Rock Coring, Texas Cone Penetrometer, Auto Hammer, and Tube Extruder. Each drill rig is supported/paired with a 4X4 flatbed pickup truck carrying 500-gallon water tank.
Mobile B-53 Truck Mounted Rig
CME 55 Truck Mounted Rig
CME 55 Track Mounted Rig
Two CME 75 Truck Mounted Rigs